CWA Local 1180 Committees
All meetings start at 6 p.m. and are held at Local 1180, 6 Harrison Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10013, with the exception of the Borough Community Coordinating Committees. For their locations and start times, contact the respective Borough Chair. Where meeting date is not listed, contact Chair directly.
Caribbean Heritage Committee
Carol Griffith, Chair
Meeting: 4th Monday of each month
Civil Rights & Equity/Community Services Committee
Hazel O. Worley, Chair
Meeting: 3rd Tuesday of each month
One of the cornerstones of unionism has been the struggle for just and equal treatment on the job and in society. A local union Committee on Equity and Civil Rights can offer the expertise and skills needed to provide fair and equitable representation for all members. The Community Service Committee coordinates the Union's involvement in a host of community-based organizations.
Editorial Committee
Marci Rosenblum, Chair
The Editorial Committee plans coverage for upcoming issues of the Communiqué, with the opportunity to contribute articles or photos to the publication or the website. Meetings are held as needed.
Hispanic Committee
Rosario Roman, Chair
Meeting: 2nd Thursday of each month
The Hispanic Committee's goal is to foster a sense of community and unity among the membership by actively cultivating a sense of charity through the collection of school supplies and clothing drives for the less fortunate. We also show our pride through participation in the National Puerto Rican Day parade.
Legislative and Political Committee
Gerald Brown, Chair
The Legislative and Political Action Committee protects and improves our standard of living and secures a good life for generations to come. We know elections make a difference, which is why we identify, endorse, and support candidates in both primaries and general elections. Meetings are held as needed.
Men's Committee
Gregory Smith, Chair
Meeting: 4th Tuesday of each month
The Men's Committee provides male members with a forum to bond and collectively address life-impacting matters they face within and outside the workplace. Committee members will also be given the opportunity to take advantage of workshops, presentations, and other activities designed to advance their overall wellness, as well as identify and cultivate their abilities to become community and union activists.
Organizing Committee
Alex Dinndorf, Chair
Meeting: 4th Wednesday of each month
The Organizing Committee seeks out and follows up on leads for workplaces we could organize into the Union. Committee members work to make the Union bigger and stronger by helping to develop organizing literature, doing outreach, and sharing their experiences with workers who want to organize a union on their job.
Committee on People with Disabilities
Edward M. Yood, Chair
Meeting: 1st Wednesday of each month
The Committee on People with Disabilities assists the officers and members in promoting the rights, status, and careers of disabled persons in the workplace, the Union, the Local, and society. It organizes solidarity delegations by CWA 1180 members at disability rights events, including the Disability Pride Parade, and arranges training for members on issues impacting people with disabilities who are members, members’ families, or part of the communities in which we live.
Pride Committee
Vera Jordan, Chair
Meeting: 3rd Monday of each month
The Pride Committee is for all LGBTQ members and community allies in Local 1180. We know that CWA Local 1180 is a union that brings unity, diversity, advocacy, equity, and support to the LGBTQ community. Our committee works to inspire social justice and a safe environment, educate members, and eradicate signs of harassment and workplace violence. We focus on the historical struggles and victories of working LGBTQ people in the labor movement, as well as advocacy for social change in the workplace today. Our committee values respect and dignity for all and approaches LGBTQ rights with a racial justice lens. We welcome all those who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, or belong to any other marginalized gender or sexuality group. We prioritize the dignity and safety of LGBTQ members but welcome all who wish to fight for LGBTQ rights in the workplace.
Women's Committee (CLICK HERE to join)
Debra Busacco, Chair
Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of each month
The Women's Committee's objective is to raise awareness of the issues that are essential to women, such as health care, homelessness, home care, child care, housing, the elderly, and education. CLICK HERE to join the Women's Committee
Borough Community
Coordinating Committees
Committees meet monthly and give both active and retired members a chance to come together and meet with Union representatives, staff, and officers to hear about and discuss important topics and find ways to spread important labor messages into respective communities. Meeting notices are published monthly
on the Local 1180 website and are e-blasted to the membership. Please consider getting involved in your local BCCC.
Bronx BCCC
Zenola Fields, Chair
Brooklyn BCCC
Ingrid Brown-Lewis, Chair
Manhattan BCCC
Veronica Windley, Chair
Queens BCCC
Elaine Blaire, Chair
Staten Island BCCC
Kareem Rolland, Chair
See Calendar